
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is posted on the service's website and is an integral part of the Terms of Use, which are incorporated by reference. It is intended to inform you about the information collected from you when you visit this website.

Name and Address of the responsible party

The service with the name "GuideLive", which is based in Thessaloniki, (18 L. Sofou Street) and is responsible for the control of your personal data (hereinafter "GuideLive"), informs the person to whom the personal data pertains (hereinafter the "Subject"), who visits/uses the service (hereinafter "Service") that the processing of personal data is governed by the applicable national and EU legislation applicable to the collection and use of the person’s personal data, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council which was passed on April 27, 2016 and came into force on May 25, 2018 (hereinafter "GDPR"), as well as the relevant decisions, directives and regulatory acts of the Authority Protection of Personal Data. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection or wish to exercise your rights, you can contact us at the following address: For the sake of clarity, any processing of data by tour guides, who offer their services on the GuideLive platform, is subject to their respective privacy policies. Activity providers act as separate data controllers.

Personal Data collected and processed by GuideLive

GuideLive ensures the legitimate and legal collection and processing of personal data by taking all appropriate technical and organizational measures, which include occasional reviews and updates if necessary, in order to ensure a high level of data protection.

2.1. When accessing Guide Live, an automated data collection process is activated for technical reasons. The following data is stored separately from other data you may transmit to us:

A. IP Addresses

B. Cookies

C. Location-Based Tools

Α. IP Addresses An IP address is a number assigned to each client's computer every time it accesses the internet. It allows computers and network service computers (servers) to identify and communicate with each other. The IP Addresses from which visitors appear to originate may be logged for information technology security and systems diagnostic purposes. Β. Cookies By the term cookies we mean small text files which are stored either on the computer or on any electronic device used by the user. The purpose of using cookies is mainly to collect information and measure specific indicators set by the company (e.g. tour experience with the most visits) with the ultimate goal of improving the user's visit. A warning will appear on the website of the Service frame (banner) which will request your consent for the collection of cookies. Your consent is mandatory for the use of cookies. You can still accept or not accept cookies through your browser settings (an option often found in the Tools or Preferences menu). You can finally delete cookies from his device at any time. A secondary type of cookies, referred to as “Functionality” cookies, may be required in order to ensure the necessary functionality. These cookies will not be blocked through the use of this warning box (banner). The customer's choice is stored in a cookie and is valid for a period of 90 days. C. Location-Based Tools This location data is collected for the purpose of understanding the potential interests of customers based on their geographic location. The purpose of using this data is the targeted provision of information to these visitors, as well as the improvement of the products and services provided by the company based on geographic location. The collection of this data allows the company to personalize the customer's online experience, to improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of the company's online presence and to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing activities of its services.

2.2. In combination with the above personal data, the registration of a single user in the Service requires the registration of further personal data, i.e. information that directly or indirectly identifies the Subject through reference to an identification element. These are as follows: A. Name B. Date of Birth C. Email Address D. Login Codes When the Subject registers as a tour guide on the Service, additional information is collected for identification purposes. A. Mobile phone number B. Proof of identity (ID card or passport) C. Account photo The above information is required to create and manage a user account. In this case, the Subject automatically enters into a user agreement with the Service, on the basis of which we collect this data (Article 6 para. 1 point b GDPR). After creating a customer account, you can create favorite lists of activities and tours. Your data is processed for these purposes, in order for us to be able to provide you with the corresponding functions (Article 6 para. 1 letter b GDPR). The Subject ensures that the personal data provided is correct and accurate and undertakes to notify GuideLive of any change or modification thereof. Any loss or damage caused to GuideLive or any third party through submission of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information on the contact form is the sole responsibility of the Subject.

Reservations and Payments When the Subject makes a reservation for an online tour experience on the Service, we collect the data required to conduct the tour. This usually includes the following information: Billing address Email address Telephone number Number of participants Date and time of booking The relevant processing carried out is based on the article. 6 par. 1 point b of the GDPR. To the extent necessary, we will transfer your data to the provider responsible for the browsing or activity, who will process your personal data in accordance with their privacy policy as an independent data controller. In the event that transmission to a third country outside the European Economic Area is required, this is based on article 49 par. 2 items b, c of the GDPR.

3. Connection to third-party websites Any interconnection of the Website through special hyperlinks (links, hyperlinks, banners) with any other third-party website does not imply that the Service assumes any responsibility for the policy followed on this website regarding the protection and management of personal data. The Subjects should ensure that they themselves are informed about the protection and management of their data from the above websites.

4. Booking confirmations In order to keep you informed about your bookings, we will send you booking confirmations to the email address you have provided to ensure you have all the information you need about the services you have booked.

5. Data Security and Storage The company implements the necessary technical and organizational security policies and procedures in order to protect personal data and information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. In addition, it tries to ensure that access to personal data is limited to those who have a need to know it. Persons who have access to the data are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of that data.

6. Rights of Access, Correction and Deletion The Subject has the right to update, access, update, correct and delete (provided there is no other legal obligation to preserve them) his personal data ("right to be forgotten"). He also has the right to receive a free copy of his personal data upon request. You also retain the right to portability and/or object to the processing of your personal data. You can exercise all of your above rights by submitting a relevant request in writing to Any request submitted must be accompanied by appropriate proof of identification and provide the required information (eg data that needs correction) as described in the respective service's terms of use. The Company makes every effort so that your requests are answered without delay and in any case within a month of their receipt. This deadline can be extended by two (2) more months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity of the request and the number of requests.

7. Do not share or disclose my sensitive personal information You have the right to limit how we disclose or share your sensitive personal information with third parties. To exercise your rights described in this privacy policy, please contact us at the following email address:

8. Changes to this Statement The company subjects this Statement to frequent review and may amend or revise it periodically at its discretion. When changes occur, the date of amendment or revision will be recorded in the Statement. The updated Statement will apply to customers and their details from that date. At the same time, there will be a sign on our company's website that will indicate the change or modification of the Policy. The company encourages customers to periodically review this Statement to review any changes to the way the company manages their personal data. This Statement was last updated in June 2022.

9. Contacting the Personal Data Protection Authority In the event that the Company delays beyond the justified period to respond to your request as well as in any case where you consider that your rights are being violated or the Company is not consistent with its obligations to keep the data you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. (Personal Data Authority, Athens Kifisias 1-3, P.O. 115 23, Athens,, +30-210 6475600). The current version of this privacy policy is always available at https://www